sara adv.sara adv.15
sara adv.468
Hello guys!

Hope all is well with you and your summer is filled with happiness!
I will like to give you a little scoop how my competition went.
So as you already know, I finished 7th. Yes, I’m happy for my placing but I know could do better. Hopefully next time …..
Me and my coach were happy with a lot of things, but there are still a few things we have to work on for my next show. My upper body Is looking better but I was still holding little bit of water in my back area and my lower body.
I learned a lot of new things about competing. So far i competed locally but this was a national competition and I had to fly to New Jersey.
Travelling can throw you off a little bit, but it was a great experience. Next time, I’ll know what to expect.

Tip: For those who are new to competing, make sure when you compete out of town, book your hotel in advance. I did mine 3 weeks in advance thinking there was still going to be a plenty of room….. but I was wrong. The hotel was completely booked!
And those who compete know how convenient it is to stay in the same hotel where everything is going on.
There are many meetings you must attend , stage spray tan, tan retouching, make up, hair…athletes meeting, meeting with your coach….. simply a lot is going on and the last thing you want is to travel from hotel to hotel with you funky tan! hehe and deal with (in my case New offence) taxi drivers( just saying) hah!
I have met some awesome people. Here are some iPhone pics from back stage:

Here is Samantha who got 5 th place. She is so much fun. I hung out with her the whole time. I already miss her…I wish her a lot of success in competing.
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Here on the left side……Joyce
Congratulation for archiving a big goal getting your Pro card.
And Ruby on the right side.

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Ladies and gentlemen this beauty is going to be 50 years young!
She is so vibrant and healthy looking , she is simply stunning.
You can look like this if you take care of your self. Discipline …planing and wanting will get you there. She has a job and she has 4 kids. And yet she fits her healthy lifestyle in her schedule. If she can do it, you can as well! You just have to want it.
I really enjoyed talking to Ruby, hopefully soon I can do a little chat video with her and get all her tips for you guys so you can get inspired ….like I did!

Here is Maureen on the left , Joyce in the middle, both got their bikini Pro status. Congratulations ladies…..
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Here I am before the spray tan, make up and hair in my hotel room.

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Here I am all ready in my purple bikini and leaving my hotel room.

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I was never a big fan of purple but I realized what a nice and deep color purple is.
Very elegant too.

And Hello again:) ….my fave silky robe when I compete to keep my tan safe. I can’t go without it.

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Until next time…

sara aadv.15
sara adv.
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