sara adv.sara adv.15
sara adv.468
Week 8 …. 4 weeks to go

Hello there,
Week 8 Update Dd13
I hope all is well with you!
Summer is here and the heat is in the air .
I’m 4 weeks away from the stage.4 weeks is not too long but still a lot of time to make a lot of progress. I’m doing great, sometimes bit overwhelmed, but I guess that’s part of the life when you want something so bad and have way too much on your plate. Patience is the key during challenging times. Live, work, train, and still have fun! Finding the perfect balance is hard sometimes. Do you ever feel the same way?

Speaking about fun, I went to see my friend last weekeend at a party she was hosting with a lot of great people.
And what a small world… A girl came to me and she said I know you! I competed with you!
I said oh yah, at the flex…” We enjoyed talking to each other for some time.
It’s always nice to connect with people who have the same passion and share tips eachother.

Here she is with me:
Week 8 Update Dg10

A picture of Victoria competing:

Week 8 Update Va10

Also, I saw my lovely friend Taylor the other day.
We shot another Video together. She talked about her competition she did in the New York. Plus we have some great tips for you as well:). So stay tuned for the new video.

Are you doing anything fun this summer?
I want to see my family so bad and travel to Czech. Awwww that smell of Europe hmmm.
I miss my parents a lot. I usually see them every year in the Summer.
We are very close. I love them and I miss them all the time. Also my little sis.
By this time I usually have my tickets already booked, but I’m not sure how my show will go. If I don’t succeed, I will still like to compete in one more show right after that in two weeks. I really want this! Can you tell? Hah!

We shall see……

Thank you as always for checking my Facebook and my lifestyle blog.
I can’t even tell you how I love sharing my journey with you.
Thank you for the opportunity …..I feel very grateful.
Tons of love your way and always remember to make each day count:)!

Happy summer……

sara aadv.15
sara adv.
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