sara adv.sara adv.15
sara adv.468
Hello guys!
Week 10 Update Dweek110
How are you?
Here is my new blog post…
I can’t hardly believe how fast time has flew!
This week I took care of a lot of the necessary stuff for the competition, but my bikini is not ready yet….

I’m bit a anxious about that because that’s one of the most important things for the entire prep.

I’m staying very focus on my set goals. One of my goals is to keep my upper body full and nicely tight when leaning down, to match my lower body. On the other hand I’m trying to cut my lower body little bit….. So we added running ( which i haven’t done for a while, and that really kicked my booty!.. .so my tip is to do wha’ts uncomfortable because if we always do the training you like because it feels good, you won’t have to step it up a notch you and you’ll never see changes.

We also added more plyos (my fave), not too much heavy pumping for my lower body because my lower body is nice and full….
So far so good! I’m happy how i was able to build more strength in my upper body.

Here is a pic:
Week 10 Update Kate10
The shooting was good…. We all loved the location and pumped up the music miami style while enjoying each others company. We helped eachother with posing and tips and also took some great pics.

It was very nice to have that “girl time” since we are all so busy…..we also did a short interview with Kate.
We were limited on time, so next time we can ask her more questions because Kate has a lot of great tips. She is from the Czech Republic as well and has
changed her physique a lot since I first met her.

Week 10 Update Dandt10

She added nice lean mass and she looks and feels great. She also enjoys feeling healthy and radiant.
I have noticed that the fitness industry is going more mainstream. Have you? I really think that’s great. The WOW body is in:)!
More and more people live a healthy lifestyle which is very inspiring! At the end it’s all about better health!

Thank you for listening guys….

All the best

sara aadv.15
sara adv.
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