sara adv.sara adv.15
sara adv.468
Some of my tips:
Beautiful skin is a reflection of your inner health Skin10
WATER helps your body digest food and absorb nutrients. Water also helps keeps muscles toned.
PROTEIN is necessary for tissue repair and for the construction of new tissue.
VEGETABLES are full of skin friendly enzymes, nutrition and vitamins.
FISH OIL: (containing Omega 3 essential fatty acids) helps to prevent wrinkles and can delay the aging process of the skin.SLEEP is necessary for our bodies to build up energy reserves and regenerate body cells and tissues. It is as vital to our health as healthy food and being active.
SWEAT: sweating is something you have to do regularly. Exercise increases blood flow which releases toxins.
LIFT WEIGHTS: Exercise just isn’t enough. Lift weights to tone and tighten your muscles, this will help the skin to appear tighter.
SMOKING speeds up skin aging in a number of ways.
ALCOHOL dehydrates the skin.
sara aadv.15
sara adv.
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